WCHS students are gearing up for their annual Race to End Hunger fundraiser. Each year, a group of dedicated students, led by Mrs. Reierson, commit to raising money and non-perishable food items for the Calgary Interfaith Food Bank. They run special events such as student teacher dodgeball, concentration games, bake sales and class donation competitions.
CANstruction, our grand finale, happens on May 15 and brings together eight teams of 10-12 students who compete to build the best structure out of cans. During the competition, teams participate in games to earn special advantages that they can use during their build. Students work all morning to design and build their structure, and at noon a special assembly of judges select the winning team. Staff, students and the community gather on the front lawn to take part in the festivities. Ella Hornby, a Grade 10 student at WCHS, says, “Planning CANstruction has given me the capacity to give back to the community. It’s amazing to be part of this event.”
It is an amazing opportunity for WCHS to show off their creativity, innovation, and engineering skills.
Our 20 and 30 level Foods students, led by Ms. Tammy Adams, also participated this year by adding the Great Burger Challenge to the day. Students create gourmet beef, veggie, and chicken burgers that they hand-make. They auctioned off the burgers to the highest bidder. All proceeds are donated to the Food Bank. They were a huge success! Students who did not bid also had the opportunity to treat themselves to BBQ burgers for lunch.
All proceeds go to helping the Calgary Food Bank and allow us to highlight our care for all members of our community. Our goal is to raise over $5,000 for the Food Bank. The Leadership Committee is grateful for the opportunity to serve and learn about being productive members of our community. We thank everyone who participated and hope to see your support next year!