Monday, May 6, 2019

Western Band Program | 2019 B.C. Tour

From April 23rd to 28th 2019, students of the Western Canada High School Band Program participated on a Tour to Vancouver, Victoria, and Whistler. 176 of our Grade 11 and 12 students had the opportunity to engage in workshops at the University of British Columbia and the University of Victoria. The workshops with Dr. Taylor at UBC and Dr. Capaldo at UVIC gave our students a tremendous opportunity to work with the very best in the field. While on tour, they also performed at the Cantando Festival in Whistler.

A huge congratulations to our Sr. Jazz Band, Grade 11 Symphonic Band, and Grade 12 Wind Ensemble! All three groups won Gold for their performances at the provincial festival and did Western proud.

We extend great thanks to the team of 13 teachers and parents that dedicated their time as supervisors to make this amazing opportunity available to our students!